Quote In English About Love

Quote in English about love
Quote in English about love

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This is a very beautiful quote in English about love.  In which the writer Antoine de Saint –Exupery explains about the true love of life.

He said that love does not mean to just gaze at each other it is something else because true love does not demand absurd things.  It only demands the happiness of the person to which you love.  It means true love only demands the same direction to which two partners can move with each other.  It demands a final destination to which two people move with each other.

So we can say that this quote in English about love can explain the true love in both the worlds.  If you are in love, you feel happy all the time by thinking about your love.  True love is without any demand or without any means.  Nowadays, people are just flirting with each other, especially teenage girls and boys.  They are just passing a good time with others, but they did not know about the true meanings of love.  True love is a great gift of God.  It’s not a joke; it’s a very special feeling that we feel about a person.  In this quote, it is described very beautifully that love does not consist of gazing at each other but in looking together in the same destination in the same direction.  In this quote in English about love describes the destination with two people walks with each.   True love can change a life, a person who falls in true love just think about her love all the time. He feels special at the moments at which he is in front of her love.  He always feels out of the world when he is in front of his loves.  He feels his sad days happy when her love is with him.  So we can say that this quote in English describes the feeling of the true love that is extinct in this world now a day.

Now a day’s people have no time with each other.  They just think about their selves—nobody concern with each other.  Nobody has time to feels these true feelings about love.  Love is an internal thing that remains forever in our hearts, but if we do not feel it, it will be finished in your heart.  So in this quote in English about love describes the true feelings about love in true sense. s

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