quotes for love friendship

quotes for love friendship
quotes for love friendship

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

This quote is about friendship and describing true friendship. This quote is written by -C.S. Lewis. This writer writes about very sensitive topics in the world. 

This quote of c.s Lewis is about true friendship. These lines are friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: what you too? I thought it was only one? This is about true friendship relations. Now a day, the word relationship and friendship is like a game. People are playing with this sensitive relationship. Everybody is selfish, and nobody has time for anyone. Friendships mean familiarity and liking of each other’s minds. People these are friend talking to each other and spend time together. Friends also help each other when they are in trouble or when they are hurt. Friendships are such a relation that can sometimes give you benefits, but sometimes it can destroy you. 

Friendship is a relationship that can reflect the emotions that can give you the opportunity to share anything with someone. In friendships, someone is always present to hear from you. True friends can solve your problems and also give you better onions. Without a friend, life is too much bore, and the people go to depression because he has no such a person that can hear their problems, and that can solve their problems. He lacks such a person that them better opinions of life matters. Friends can make a day joyful and release stress. 

Friendship is such a relation in which someone is worried about your problems. Friendships give you relaxation and prevent you from depressions. Friendship is doing your best to make your friend happy. Friendship is forever no meter what. It is the most wonderful relationship that everyone can have if he/she is loyal. In friendship, there are many more things like dependable, caring, loving. All these things are present in this relationship. Life without a friend is like a desert that has no wet area. 

Friendship is a relationship that can change your life. A true friend can make your day interesting, and he can help you in every matter of life. 

Friends can support you emotionally. 

The most important benefit of friendship is that you can have emotional support that can protect you from depression and stress because you share all of your problems with your friend, and he/ she supports you emotionally. 

So if you are looking for true friendship, you can use these quotes for friendship.

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